Saturday, March 27, 2010

angel's are everywhere

I went in Haiti for two weeks and when I got back my boss call me to let me know that my CPR card will be expired on the 30th of March little I did not know that all the class that was schedule for the month of March have already done, so Michelle Garcia. Who's one of my co-worker told me about a fireman captain name William Shann who can help me with me re-certification I called him and schedule to take the course. When I get there he's one of the best CPR instructor I've ever met I talk to him about my foundation and when I was living surprisingly he gave me $20.00 for my foundation. Wow I feel like he have giving me $20 millions, not knowing what I might be doing with the money with the Heart that gave him he gave it to me so I will say Mr. Shawn is one of the piece of Little Piece of Heaven Foundation. and everyone else's that's been really helping I am not going to put all the name's here but I just would like to take the time to thank. My co-worker's at Skyline Madison Medical center all the administration staff who really not only pray for my foundation who also donated to my great CAUSE of helping the Haitian people, Temple Baptist church, Cathedral of Praise. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I was a guest at the radio station 88.1 WFSK Nashville TN

I was so please to be one of the guess at the radio station to talk about my trip in Haiti and all of those things I've done in Haiti so many people called to to show they support.I was very please

Thursday, March 18, 2010

We built a concrete brink house

We I landed in Haiti, almost everywhere we went everyone were in a made ship tents which I am againts.we build a nice house within 2 days, we wakes up everyday at 4 in the morning and went to the site to built the house for the Jean Pierre family and they were so happy to see how many people were involved in the whole construction of the house it cost us $6300 USD to built the house,the tents are more cheaper but raining season is a month away so many people are going to be in need of those two bedroom house that we built for Jean Pierre family, we are planning in another trip to haiti in june to built more so please go to our website and donate whatever you can to make it possible. I am going to post pictures of the tents and pictures of the tents and tell me if you were in Haiti which one that you'll choose for your family to be in

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Every little town I visited the local people are telling me the same thing over and over, they will like to have to see change in Haiti with better school, Hospitals, and Agriculture systems. so I take a risk on my (401K) I did not have no money left so I borrow some money on my (401k) just to build a water wells Words cannot describe how important clean water is for good health and well being. Today, thousands of people are benefitting from the generosity of those who so graciously have given.The cost to put in a new well is $4,500, we were going to put a Generator on top of the wells but since we did not have enough fund we just put a hand held wells on it. Your gifts of any size will be used to provide clean water. you can give for deep wells in Haiti. I also find some land to built a church and a school. but since I don't have any money left to buy the land, I just told the local people there that, I am going to do all that I can to get the land, the cost of that land is $29,000 USD.

So I pray that when reading this blog, that God will put in your heart to not just only help my foundation but also become a partner with us. I can see the change but if the change don't start with the Haitian people and also you and I there will be no change thank you and God bless

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I am so proud of everything

My last day in Haiti my full report
my journey in Haiti, I have to say it was one of the best experience in my life. I met with a lot of people, I heard a lot of stories and saw so many things I am so proud of my team that help me out in Haiti and also would like to take the time, to thank all of my donors and sponsors that help me through my journey in Haiti, churches, schools that need to be built and also the agriculture systems in Haiti that really need a hand. But I need some irrigation water pumps system for the farmers to bring the water from the rivers to the farms. I took a lots of pictures so everyone can not only read but see for they own, that two months later the daily life of the Haitian people, without electricity, water, and a good food supplies I met with a lot of teachers that asking me to help them build new schools for the kids but me alone can’t do it all, I really need all kind of help that I can get to make they dream become a reality for every child to learn how to read and write and for every parents to be able to work they farms with good irrigation pumps water so they can sell they products and bring the economy in Haiti to a full start I don’t believe on that Give me or Help me mind set I believe that nobody owe you anything you owe everything to yourself, so for the Haitian people to understand that we need organization like mine, who will take the time to teach, and create opportunities for the farmers, and help with good Christian churches, and schools to be able to help the next generation through educations, agricultures and other great opportunity like build medical clinics, once again what a great way to serve my country with the help of some good friends, with churches and also donors, sponsors like you that really went as far as you could to help my foundation. Also a great and a special thank you to Temple Baptist Church in Nashville TN, the Cathedral of praise church in Nashville TN and also Brother Ryan J. bult from cross point community church in Nashville TN who has been praying for us and the Haitian people, a great thank you to you all.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Traveling from Croix-des-Bouquet to Mirebalais

Our journey began in Crois-des-bouquet this morning we met with a lot of people who were going to Mireblais from Crois-des-bouquet, most of them lost everything since the quakes they do not have no government assistance or any other organization to help them, so we went and some of those tents with foods, like rice, beans, cooking oil, and other ingretients from them to use. After couple hours we travel from there to Mirebalais when we get there so many people were asking us for any donations, they told us that they have a river but they are in need of a water irrigation pump to put in it so they can plant food and vegetables to not only feed they family but also to send they kids to school, so we took the name of some of the people there so next time when I came back I can help them with the water irrigation pump system, we also saw some land that was for sale, but since we were lack of money we could not do anything for the people so.I'll be posting some picture so everyone can see the images