Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Every little town I visited the local people are telling me the same thing over and over, they will like to have to see change in Haiti with better school, Hospitals, and Agriculture systems. so I take a risk on my (401K) I did not have no money left so I borrow some money on my (401k) just to build a water wells Words cannot describe how important clean water is for good health and well being. Today, thousands of people are benefitting from the generosity of those who so graciously have given.The cost to put in a new well is $4,500, we were going to put a Generator on top of the wells but since we did not have enough fund we just put a hand held wells on it. Your gifts of any size will be used to provide clean water. you can give for deep wells in Haiti. I also find some land to built a church and a school. but since I don't have any money left to buy the land, I just told the local people there that, I am going to do all that I can to get the land, the cost of that land is $29,000 USD.

So I pray that when reading this blog, that God will put in your heart to not just only help my foundation but also become a partner with us. I can see the change but if the change don't start with the Haitian people and also you and I there will be no change thank you and God bless

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